November 10, 2013
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Marc Antman   Homepage 2013-05-18 23:25:59
Congrats to your new pups! They are so beautiful.

  Homepage 2010-05-05 07:40:13
We take a walk to the HP`s into the NET. And we , Xaver and Xena take a little stop at

your greatful HP.

So we let our pawprints in your site and hope that you will be visit our site.

So long and have a nice day Xaver and Xena

  Homepage 2010-01-11 17:14:54
Helló! Nagyon szépek a kutyusok, és örülök, hogy végre valaki leírta azt is, hogy mi van akkor, hogyha a tibetke kerti kutya:) Külön köszönet ezért:)

Mark   Homepage 2009-08-25 23:12:03
Nice website, fabulous TT's! Congratulations on your show success. Good luck for the future.

  Homepage 2009-04-25 21:24:22

You have a very nice album and lovely TT's from Tibet.

I wish you and all dogs great success in the future.

Best wishes from the Switzerland Monika and the 4 TT's of Ynaya

  Homepage 2009-02-26 11:06:02

you have a very nice Website.Gratulation to your results.Keep up the excellent work.

Best wishes from Germany

Katja and Sabine

Ti La Shu

Tibetan Terrier and Lhasa Apso

  Homepage 2008-11-27 09:28:00

congrats your Foto is very beautiful. I saw her father in Finland this month :-)

  Homepage 2008-07-15 18:21:42
I saw your picture with Foto on Tanja s (Falamundus) page because Foto s father is her beautifull male. She was handling Jack s father Freddy in World Dog Show in Stockholm (Sweden) and won with him World Winner title & Bob. They were so great together. You can see their picture on our page too. Hope meet you in Budapest!! Regards to all of you! Suzana

  Homepage 2008-06-08 00:55:36
Well done you beautifull girl!!!

Foto you are great!

  Homepage 2008-05-02 11:47:46
Gratulálunk Foto sikeréhez és Apacs testvérének is.

  Homepage 2008-04-09 21:03:31
Good luck in the future with your beautiful dogs!

From Rogell Kennel

  Homepage 2008-01-21 13:32:07
Eredményekben Gazdag Boldog Új Évet kívánunk!

Márti és a fiúk

  Homepage 2008-01-07 15:06:38
orulok es most sajnalom hogy nam elitettem a turan a maltai kutyat ami egy nyul vadasz es itt tal- feneknek hivjak kicsit hasonlit afarao kutyara. potosabban egy agar egy farao kutya es egy rovidszoru magyar vizsla kevereke. az en kutyusom is ez a tipus csak nem eredetiben a fenkkepe fen van a kepeim kozott. nekem egyebken most ez a kedvenc kutyafjtam. es az elet ironiaja en meg mo-ban szinten vegezten egy kutya kozmetikus tanfolyamot.

  Homepage 2007-11-20 13:19:02
Hallo from Slovakia!

You have a very nice site. Best wishes to you and your beautiful Tibetans for the future.


  Homepage 2007-10-09 14:57:48
Happy Birthday Napoleon !

t: mother Etta and other family

Sanna and Unski   Homepage 2007-10-07 12:05:16
Happy Birthaday to Napoleon!

Sanna and Unski (P-Z Nec plus Ultra)

  Homepage 2007-09-12 11:08:33
Congratulations on Foto's succes !! Beautiful girl !

  Homepage 2007-08-31 22:37:16
Congratulation on your last show sucess. Kiss for Foto!

  Homepage 2007-08-13 03:43:28
what is tibetan for love and compassion

  Homepage 2007-07-20 17:12:41
Gratulálok az alaomhoz és köszönet Apacsért.További szép sikereket kívánunk Nektek. Márta és Szabi

55 posts
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