My name is Árpád Csernok. I am the owner of Tibetan Symbol Tibetan Terrier Kennel. We live in the south-eastern part of Hungary, in Szeged. I have an affection to animals since my childhood.
My first own dog was a tervueren male. At that time, people used to get any information about breeds and dogs only by „Dog Magazine". One day, I found an interesting article about tervueren breed wherein a very kind lady wrote about that breed very impressively. Acccording to her writing I decided to have a tervueren dog. I got in touch with that very kind lady, she was the owner of Vörös Pimpernel Tervueren Kennel. She received my enquiry with pleasure and sold me a puppy on credit. Well, I needed that credit because on one hand then I still was a student and on the other hand a puppy of that breed was very expensive at that time. That's why I had to harvest tomatoes in a very warm and comfortless greenhouse that summer while my friends were enjoying their holidays... But when I arrived at home then welcomed me my dog, Rocky. So, that was the beginning...
I have been interesting in dog breeding since that time, but I did not have every conditions for it. Accordingly I could be engaged in that subject only in my imagination...
Afterwards when we moved in our first own flat we desired to a doggy. We have chosen one of Szimonetta's favourite dog breed which was West Highland white terrier. In this way Brian was our first common doggy. Shortly afterwards we had to look for a partner for Brian because he had plenty of energy to play and pranks. We were often tired when got home from hard work, but he wanted never stop playing with his ball.
I am making a confession: I have got acquainted with Tibetan terrier by chance. My favourite breed of dogs was the bobtail, but in our downtown flat we could not have one. I was surfing on the Internet and found a lovely dog wich was such as a bobtail, but it was smaller. It was the first time when I met a „little people" who named Tibetan terrier.
After a short investigation, our first Tibetan „Yeti" arrived in our home from „ Rozsdás Halász" kennel.
Yeti was a little beggar in his puppy-hood. He used to behave himself badly and he taught Brian lot of pranks. Our flat came a „battlefield" step by step...
Later we showed Yeti thanks to his breeder's, Ms Katalin Krizsanyik's advices. He quickly became a very successful show dog. In the meanwhile we falled in love with those beautiful and lovely dogs.
By this time, we can live comfortable in a family house with our Tibetans and Brian. Here are a yard and a wonderful garden where our dogs can running around, can play with each other and can do their prank with impunity. They enjoy our fondness and live their happy life with us.
By now, we have all conditions of dog breeding, hence my wishful thinking will be able to come true after more than twenty years...