27th Septembre 2008
Judge: Pietro Paolo Condo (I)
Mikudi Foto Finnish: CAC, CACIB, BOB
CCAR Club Special Show ARAD
27th Septembre 2008
Judge: Christian Stefanescu (Ro)
Mikudi Foto Finnish: CAC
With these results Foto became a ROMANIAN CHAMPION.
CLUB Special Show for FCI group IX.
Belgrade, Serbia
24th May 2008
Mikudi Foto Finnish

CAC, BOB, Clubwinner2008
Judge: Louis Pinto Teixeira (Portugal)
National Championship Show (CAC) in Hódmezővásárhely
18th May 2008
Tibetans were judged under Ms Ibolya Kiss
Mikudi Foto Finnish "FOTO": CAC
Pam Zamirin napoleon "LEON": CAC, BOB
Kubo von Shangri-La "Fido": CAC
3rd May 2008 CAC Show in Gyula
Tibetans were judged under Mr Gyula Sárközy
Mikudi Foto Finnish "Foto": CAC
Pam Zamirin Napoleon "LEON": CAC, BOB
Kubo von Shangrila "Fido": CAC
(Fido is one of our Yeti's descendants at von Shangri-La kennel.)
Miskolc : International Championship Show (CACIB)
26th April 2008 Mikudi Foto Finnish CAC, CACIB
Judge: Ms Annamaria Tarjan (H)
27th April 2008 Pam-Zamirin Napoleon "LEON" CAC, CACIB, BOB
Judge: Ms Ibolya Kiss (H)
Many thanks to Robert and Ibolya Turak for grooming and handling!
Novi Sad (Serbia) National Championship Show
Addiction to Play of Tibetan Symbol "Lucky" PRM (Young Class Winner, Best of Breed)
Congratulation on Lucky's success to Sonja&Nebojsa Maksimovic!

25-26th August 2007
Yeti and Foto at Debrecen CACIB Show
First day's results: Foto was JCAC and BOB, Yeti: CAC, CACIB
Judge: Christian Stefanescu (Romania)
Second day's results: Foto JCAC, Yeti: CAC, CACIB, BOB
Judge: Chang Weng Woh (Malaysia)
21th July 2007 Szombathely CACIB Show
Napoleon: CAC, CACIB, BOB, Res.Bog
Judges: Dr. Roberto Schill (Ro) és Zlatko Krajlic (HR)
Thanks Robert for handling!
1st July 2007 Székesfehérvár
Napoleon: CAC, CACIB, BOB
Judge: Dr.Tamás Jakkel
17th June 2007 Békéscsaba CAC SHOW
Napoleon: CAC
Judge: Alena Kostalova (Czechia)
Napoleon: CAC
Judge: Paul Stanton (Sweden)
20th May 2007 Szeged CAC SHOW
Napoleon: CAC, BOB, BOG2
Judge: Bánhidi Pálné
13th May 2007 Miskolc CAC SHOW
Napoleon: CAC, BOB
Judge: Zsuzsanna Petik
22th April 2007 Túrkeve CAC SHOW
Napoleon: CAC, BOB
Judge: Bánhidi Pálné
1st April 2007 Kanjiza (Serbia) CACIB SHOW
Napoleon: CAC, Res.CACIB
Judge: Dusan Paunovic (SRB)
CACIB Show ARAD, Romania
28th Septembre 2008
Judge: Dr Roberto Schill (Ro)
Pam-Zamirin Napoleon: CAC, CACIB, BOB
With these results Napoleon fulfill the requirement of INTERCHAMPION tittle!
CACIB Show Subotica, Serbia
25th May 2008
Mikudi Foto Finnish:
Pam-Zamirin Napoleon:
Judge: (Ms) Ramune Kauzlauskaite (Lithuania)
With these results Mikudi Foto Finnish became a Serbian Champion.
Two days International Championship Show in Budapest
10th-11th May 2008
Results of Mikudi Foto Finnish "Foto"
on Saturday: CAC, CACIB in intermediate class
judge: Ms Zsuzsanna Petik (H)
on Sunday: CAC, CACIB, BOB in intermediate class
Judge: Bánhidi Pálné (H)
Three shows were held in the same weekend
Arad, Romania
Pam-Zamirin Napoleon Romanian Champion
Mikudi Foto Finnish Romanian Junior Champion
6th - 7th October 2007

6th October Arad CACIB Show & Transylvania Cup
Judge: Jean Blanjino (F)
Napoleon: CAC, CACIB, BOB, Transylvania Cupwinner
Foto: RPJ (Junior CAC), Junior Transylvania Cupwinner
6th October CCAR Speciality Clubshow
Judge: Stelios Makaritis (GR)
Napoleon: CAC, Clubwinner
Foto: RPJ (Junior CAC), Junior Clubwinner, BOB
Foto and Napoleon won Best Breed Couple I. !
7th October ARAD OPEN CACIB Show
Judge: Cristian Stavarache (RO)
Napoleon: CAC, CACIB, BOB
Foto: RPJ (Junior CAC), Best Junior
Bundessieger Show (CACIB) Tulln (Austria)
30th September 2007
Judge: Mr Tamas Jakkel (H)
Pam-Zamirin Napoleon: R.CACA

Mikudi Foto Finnish: Jugendsiegerbesten (Junior CAC)

Roszdás Halász Firoza Farida "Yeti"
Champion class Exc. III.

KECSKEMÉT International Championship Show 9th September 2007
Mikudi Foto Finnish "Foto": Junior CAC. Foto has fulfilled the requirements of HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION title with this result!
Congratulation on this title to Foto's breeders to Mike and Judi Tempest in Northern-Ireland!
Pam Zamirin Napoleon "Leon": Res. CAC és Res. CACIB
Many thanks Robert for preparing and handling!
Kubo von Shangri-La "Fido": CAC
Fido is our Yeti's son born at "von Shangri-La" Kennel. Congratulation on Fido's succesfull show career to Fido's owners! Well done! He is a very nice male!
22th July 2007 Oberwart CACIB SHOW
Napoleon was R.CACA
Judge: Ligita Zatke (LV)

Photo taken by von Shangri-La kennel
Many thanks Turak family for preparing and handling!
5th May 2007 Puppies were born
5 male and the 3 female and Uma are doing well.

Further information
2007 May
Mikudi Foto Finnish arrived to us
Many thanks Mike and Judi Tempest for this beautiful puppy!